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Objednací číslo: 16014146


Na objednávku. Dodání trvá obvykle 12 týdnů.

Žánr Pop
EAN: 0800567950004 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

Three Kings: The latest CD from Eclipse. This brand new holiday album features inventive new arrangements of Christmas favorites and some fresh new holiday songs. Eclipse's trademark harmony, driving rhythm, and exciting delivery are sure to please all types of listeners. The perfect holiday gift! The six members of Eclipse are all from northern Utah and have been performing together since 1999. They have released three albums, entitled 'Once', 'Think Twice', and a Christmas album, called 'Three Kings', which was released in October of 2003. The men of Eclipse have twice been named Regional Champions of the Harmony Sweepstakes A Cappella Festival (the nation's premier showcase for vocal harmony music) and have received three nominations, including 'Best Pop/Rock Album', in the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards. Eclipse was featured in both the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. They also performed at three of the Medals Presentation Ceremonies along with daily performances at competition venues during all 17 days of the Olympics. In 2003, Eclipse was named 'Best Vocal Group' at Utah's Best of State Awards and 'Group Recording Artist of the Year' at the Faith Centered Music Association's Pearl Awards. You can check them out on the web at

ECLIPSE - Aktuality:

28.11. - Vyhraj 2x2 lístky na ECLIPSE v Praze!

30.10. - Král a královna metalu ve společném klipu! DORO a Rob Halford představují svoji verzi hitu Bonnie Tyler

3.7. - ECLIPSE v novém klipu zachytili atmosféru letních festivalů

6.6. - MÖTLEY CRÜE, DEF LEPPARD - 2. 6. 2023, Praha, Letiště Letňany

4.6. - FOTOGALERIE: Rocková exploze v Letňanech zachycená objektivem fotoaparátu

31.5. - Švédové ECLIPSE ohlašují „megalomanské“ jubilejní album

30.11. - Muzika, jakou jste ještě neslyšeli aneb 5 zajímavých alb uplynulého týdne

27.7. - NORDIC UNION v novém songu vyhlašují válku

16.9. - Co je to Pink Floyd? Díky sci-fi Duna mládež objevila Dark Side of the Moon

11.9. - Pink Floyd rozezněli pouště Arrakisu. Trailer nové adaptace Duny je konečně venku

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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