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Objednací číslo: 25033557


Na objednávku. Dodání trvá obvykle 12 týdnů.

Odběr zdarma

Datum vydání: 29.8.2011
EAN: 9120020389396 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

Popis - LP [VINYL]:
Providence, RI's (recently relocated from Nashville, TN) Container returns with another slab of alternate universe bent techno. Schofield's take on that over used genre is not only unique but utterly compelling, forming a modern and exciting new sound. While the classic Container sound is still in tact, this album offers a look into a previously closed door in the Container sound world. 'LP', like its predecessor 'LP', is recorded in mono and its cuts right down the middle of your skull, and doesn't float around in imaginary room, these new tracks are immediate and heavy. Kicking off the delayed trip of 'Dripping', a rhythmic bone akin to a rusty swing in a ghetto playground, morphs seamlessly into complex maze that is 'Paralyzed'. Closing the side is a real stomper head-cleaner of a track, the mighty 'Acclimator'. Side B opens with 'Perforate', a bass line straight from Mute-era D.A.F, which mutates into an elastic acid line, building into a full rhythmnnoise spectacle. The disc closes proper with the mad rush for the bar that is the epic 'Refract'. This LP is a rough and raw ride, adding very much needed gristle to pale face of the stagnant minimal scene.

Container - Aktuality:

28.7. - Fínska Värttinä hrajúca world-music vás rozvrtí v klube Bombura v Brezne

22.7. - Na festivale Grape 2016 aj Red Bull Container so slovenskými interpretmi

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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