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Objednací číslo: 39293900


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Datum vydání: 11.4.2011
EAN: 0884501487061 (info)
Label: Katie Mahan
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - REVERIE:
Praised for her unique personality and extraordinary musical sensitivity, American pianist Katie Mahan is quickly establishing herself as an artist of rare appeal. Her passionate performances have attracted audiences throughout the United States, Germany, France, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Russia, Canada, Austria, and Japan. A native of Colorado, Katie began her piano studies at the age of four with her mother, Bobette Mahan, and gave her first solo recital at the age of six. She has appeared as recitalist, soloist with orchestra, or chamber musician across the world. Recent performance highlights included a recital debut in Prague, Czech Republic sponsored by the Trebbia Foundation, an organization dedicated to supporting and awarding exceptional talent in the arts; a recital debut in the Konzerthaus in Berlin, Germany sponsored by the Berliner Salon; and a recital in Moers, Germany in honor of Robert Schumann in which the Neue Ruhr Zeitung heralded her performance as “brilliant, masterly playing... associations with the young Clara Schumann were revived – she could have played like this.” Further recent highlights include performances in Munich, Dusseldorf, Weilheim, and Essen, Germany; Prague, Czech Republic; Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia; Paris, Epinal, and Vallauris, France; Dubai, UAE, Cleveland, Ohio; Washington D.C.; New York City, Englewood, Denver, Boulder, and Aspen, Colorado; and Greenville, South Carolina. Katie was recently awarded the prestigious 2008 Classical Superstar Award by the Berliner Salon, a Berlin-based foundation dedicated to discovering and furthering the careers of young and gifted individuals in the arts and sciences both in Germany and abroad, and is a prize winner in many national and international competitions. She often presents programs which reflect the wide scope of her repertoire as well as her particular interest in the music of Claude Debussy, whose music she studied with the celebrated French pianist, Pascal Rogé, who traces his musical heritage at the Paris Conservatoire directly back to the composer himself. Katie was a protégé of the late Howard Waltz, himself a pupil of the legendary French pianist, Robert Casadesus, and has studied with such musicians as Lang Lang, Simon Trpceski, and Michel Béroff, and collaborated with conductors such as Jiri Belohlavek, Marin Alsop, and Lawrence-Leighton Smith. Katie is a Steinway Artist and has been featured on radio and TV in the USA, Germany, Canada, France, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Recent CD recordings include “R?verie” featuring music of Claude Debussy, “Liebestod” containing works of Chopin and Liszt, a recital program of Brahms, Rachmaninov, and Prokofiev, and “Fantasy” containing works of Schumann and Schubert. For more information, please visit

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