Slovenčina Čeština
Intimo el concierto
Cd / Cortez alberto
1344 Kč Odstranit
Black sabbath (head)
Ts / Plan 9 - black sabbath
727 Kč Odstranit
Celkem: 2071 Kč
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Objednací číslo: 37423888


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 31.5.2019
EAN: 2090504797658 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

Film Jacket 35 is a Greek garage/indie/power pop band formed in late 2014. Mired in the middle of a country with deep economic and social unrest, FJ35 set out to bring an impulsive, furious perception of sounds and melodies to the culture that was dominating their mood and attitude. The trio arms themselves with vintage and heavily reverbed instrumentals and delayed vocals to create a '60s San Francisco garage/psych sensibility that pervades the gritty backdrop with flammable and sunny beats. Influenced by bands from completely different music scenes such as Blue Cheer, DEVO, No Age and Surf Curse, they managed to create a specific style that differs from their inspirations; consuming ceaselessly energy to their live shows.

Film - Aktuality:

22.9. - Ghost Writer - strhujúci triler Romana Polanského prichádza do slovenských kín

21.9. - Legendu o Lietajúcom Cypriánovi videlo už 50-tisíc ľudí

19.9. - Muž vrazil autom do Warner Bros. s replikou zbrane a horľavinou

2.9. - Mal som sen: v kine sedeli traja...

22.8. - Hollywoodske filmy čakajú protifajčiarske opatrenia

22.8. - Začalo sa nakrúcanie filmu o strmej kariére Nicolasa Sarkozyho

22.8. - Toy Story sa vracia a mení históriu

22.8. - Po Kajínkovi príde Čubírková a naša mafia

26.1. - Avatar potápa Titanic!

10.11. - Film Cesta Magdalény Robinsonovej získal zvláštne uznanie

Nové akce - FILMY:

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