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Objednací číslo: 34361818


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 9.11.2018
Žánr Blues
EAN: 0880547779092 (info)
Label: Nola Blue, Inc.
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - JOURNEY:
After a musical career that has spanned decades, explored different styles and genres, covered the world and endured painful losses, Benny Turner has much to say through his music. His is a journey filled with incredible experiences, enduring resilience, and a robust sense of humor. This release is a celebration of that journey, and a tribute to the King family's musical legacy which still lives today through Benny's music. Knowing that the most authentic way to honor his family was to pick up the guitar and play the music himself, Benny spent months re-exploring the chords and licks his mother taught him so long ago, at the start of his musical journey. He is proud to share this glimpse into his treasured memories from the past. Benny's musical education began long before his formal schooling even started. He fondly remembers many nights in East Texas when he and his big brother, Fred, were sent outside to play while his mother and her brothers relaxed inside after a hard day's labor and played the blues. Curious about what they were missing, the boys would peer under the crack in the door, to watch and listen. This was the foot-stomping, comb kazoo-humming country blues of the Jim Crow South. His mother, Ella Mae (King) Turner, played guitar as did his uncle, Leon King. Big brother Fred was inspired and worked hard to earn his place in musical history as blues legend Freddie King. Little brother Benny's musical career evolved more indirectly. His journey was not a slow and steady rise to great heights, but instead a series of detours, great accelerations, and extended pit stops. The first detour was his family's move from rural East Texas to the heart of Chicago's West Side in the early 50's. While a dramatic change in lifestyle and a big adjustment for a young boy, that move was the catalyst for Benny's forthcoming musical career. He dabbled in doo-wop with a group of high school friends for fun, all the while strengthening his vocal harmony skills. After high school, an early professional gig was playing bass with Robert (Bobby) King (no family relation) at Walton's Corner. It was there that he met R&B legend Dee Clark, who offered Benny his first gig with him at none other than The Apollo Theater in New York! Benny's work with Dee Clark led him to a chance meeting with Leroy Crume of The Soul Stirrers, and the opportunity to play bass with the group. This was the first time that bass guitar was included in a gospel ensemble, and Benny was the pioneer of that era in gospel history. After covering the full territory of Chicago's West Side with countless legends of the time, he returned to family ties and re-joined Freddie King as he entered the apex of his musical career. Benny will forever cherish the years he spent, side-by-side with his big brother and best friend. When Freddie died unexpectedly in 1976, Benny's whole word changed, and his journey came to an abrupt, extended halt. It took about two years following the loss of Freddie for Benny to be able to face the stage once again, but he reluctantly agreed when Chicago blues guitarist Mighty Joe Young invited him to perform. The first night was a big challenge for him, physically and emotionally, but he returned to the stage again and again after that, and the next leg of his musical journey was underway. Benny enjoyed an eight year run with Mighty Joe, which even included a brief appearance with his band in the movie, 'Thief'. When health problems prevented Mighty Joe from performing, it was time for yet another detour along Benny's musical journey. How fitting that a man whose varied experiences have formed a unique musical gumbo would choose New Orleans as the next destination along his journey, and the place he calls home to this day. The highlight of his time in The Crescent City was more than 20 years spent as bandleader for the late, great Marva Wright, Blues Queen of New Orleans. The unwelcome arrival of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was a devastating detour for Benny, Marva and the entire New Orleans community. But, they persevered and returned home, picking up the pieces and returning to the stage once again until Marva's health deteriorated and she passed away in 2010. One might think that was the end of the journey for Benny, but it proved to be just another detour. Always content in a supporting band role, it was time to step into the spotlight and lead the way. With his band, Real Blues, Benny continues to perform both locally and overseas. He aspires to join the festival circuit and share his music from coast to coast, once again. Work is also underway to document Benny's journey in book form. I'm sure you will agree that he has had quite a ride!

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