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Datum vydání: 6.11.2009
EAN: 9341634000112 (info)
Label: Creative Differences
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

Creative Differences – Music & Film is proud to announce the release of Rick Ralli’s album, Permanently On The Verge. Peaking at #1 (and consistently charting) on the Myspace Classic Rock charts and Alternative Rock charts with currently (March 09) over 822,000 plays Rick’s music has been touching the hearts and souls of people in the know both in Australia and in the USA. Featuring Ian Kitney from Tim Rogers and the Temperance Union and Andre Warhurst from Silver Night Drive and Spoonful. Background: In 2006 a young man wrote a letter to his favourite band, explaining how, after seeing them play in the Royal Albert Hall in London, they saved his life during a difficult patch. In his letter he happened to mention that he had some songs on Myspace and included the link to his site. That band was Cheap Trick and during an interview with Smashing Pumpkins' Billy Corgan Rick Neilsen said that he had been listening to these great songs by this guy from Australia, and mentioned the Myspace site. That young man was, and still is, Rick Ralli, and you can imagine his surprise when he checked his Myspace to find hundreds of friend requests and song plays, as well as comments and messages, mostly from the U.S. Over the next year those hundreds grew into thousands (332807 Profile Views, 819,810 Total Plays as at 12/01/09). In 2009 Rick has his album, Permanently On The Verge, ready to unleash here in Australia and in the U.S. He has been warming up for the launch with some solo shows and headliner shows with his band, Done With Mirrors. Release date is set for early April. Rick's music will at once conjure up those goosebump moments usually associated with Big Star, Crazy Horse, CSNY, Pink Floyd and then just as effectively set heads rocking a la Led Zeppelin, Cheap Trick, The Who, at the next turn. In support of the album release Rick and his band will be performing two small launch tours from Melbourne and Sydney, taking in Victoria and NSW, and securing radio airplay on NOVA and TRIPLEJ. Permanently On The Verge was produced by Rick and mostly recorded at Rick's home studio SONIC CAVE in Collingwood, Melbourne, on a 16 track recording unit. Additional overdubs and drums were added at THE FORUM with Ian Kitney (Tim Rogers and the Temperance Union, Ross McLennan) and mixed at STUDIO 94 with Tim Johnston (Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Stereophonics). Tracks to look out for are ‘Nothing But Healthy’, ‘Learn To Merge’, ‘No Fun In A Crisis’ and ‘Happiness’ featuring Andre Warhurst. The standout track is ‘Nothing But Healthy’ - built for radio, gentle on the ears and with a softly spoken message of positivity. The Main Players: RICK RALLI ? accomplished hard rock guitarist, based in Melbourne, Australia, with several albums already under his belt. (Through To China, Stone Motherless to name a couple) ? plays most instruments on the album including electric and acoustic guitars, bass, slide, keyboards, string arrangments, percussion, theremin, sings all vocal parts and plays drums on ''No Fun In A Crisis''. IAN KITNEY ? Creative Differences label manager, plays drums on the album and executive producer ? has been playing drums with too many Melbourne artists to name here ? currently drums with (and is original member) Tim Rogers and the Temperance Union and plays guitar with Ross McLennan. TIM JOHNSTON ? mixer and executive producer on Permanently On The Verge ? recorded Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Stereophonics, Silver Night Drive, The Cruel Sea and many more.

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